Vegetable Gardening

What tasty but kinda random concoctions are you making with your harvests?

From my garden: a red norland potato thinly sliced and air fried, sautéed handful of mizuna and half a little cipollini onion, with a side of a little cherry tomato jam I had on hand.
Added some canned black beans, white melty cheese and parm to round it out.
If it weren’t for having these veggies on hand, I would never ever have thrown this into a dish. But it works!
What unexpected concoctions are you making right now with your harvests?

by Adorable-Cry7714

1 Comment

  1. princessfoxglove

    I have like 40 tomatoes that will ripen approximately at the same time so I’m planning roasted tomato and red pepper soup with black beans.

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