
What might be causing this one tree to die?

I have about 80 trees in my yard, I think they are mostly chestnut oaks. This guy is coming up as black oak on my app … not sure if it's accurate. Im in NJ, sandy soil.

In any case, it looks like this guy is dying top down. I dont see any damage to the trunk, but there is a large knot/growth near the base, see third pic. Its in part of the yard that doesn't get any traffic, and i never hit it with the mower or anything. I've lived here 4 years … previous owners put a ton of mulch around the base of a lot of these trees, all of which is gone now.

Anyone give some insight on what could be killing it, and whether is can be saved? It's right next to my home, so if it's a goner I'll need to take it down.

by willismaximus


  1. Flat_Building_3443

    It’s probably dying because of all the **junk** in that trunk

  2. streachh

    Where is the root flare? Is the grass just hiding it or is it buried?

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