
Why is a shoot sprouting out of the squash?

Yes, I already posted it to r/mildlypenis

by BananabirdMoto


  1. purpledreamer1622

    Oh fascinating, I don’t have a detailed answer but basically sometimes the cells in a certain spot become the wrong kind of cell, so they make the wrong part. Genetic, and interesting.

  2. JaninAellinsar

    Vivipary in plants. Tomatoes do this a lot

  3. bradharmon

    Yeah it’s really coming out of there

  4. Steviesgirl1

    Squash Alien. A really slow one. 👀

  5. SpicyBanditSauce

    It looks as though a section just started growing downwards in a crevice of the squash. Towards the top of the squash there is that little broken stem piece and then it continues downward 😂 at least with certain ivy species, even if you cut the vine, the top can still keep growing. That’s the only thing my brain can think of in this scenario. 🤷‍♀️

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