Garden Plans

“Unprecedented Challenges” | Keir Starmer’s Potential Outdoor Smoking Ban Condemned

Sir Keir Starmer has said the Government will “take decisions” on a potential outdoor smoking ban in an effort to curb preventable deaths and alleviate pressures on the NHS.

Industry leaders have warned that the proposed plans to ban outdoor smoking, including in beer gardens and outside stadiums, would be another “nail in the coffin” for pubs and bars.

The Night Time Economy Association’s ambassador for Birmingham Lyle Bignon and health expert Thorrun Govind join Talk’s Ian Collins to discuss this further.

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  1. "It's incumbent on the government to financially support any transition". Pubs and restaurants trying to get handouts again. I suppose it's been a couple of years since they last did it with covid furlough.

  2. Concerns about deaths caused by smoking but no mention of the 30 million excess deaths over the last 3 years

  3. Freedom comes with responsibility, especially when it affects others. I made a conscious choice not to smoke to avoid the health risks associated with it. However, when someone smokes near me in public, I’m involuntarily exposed to those same risks through passive smoking. It’s challenging to confront people about this, as it’s not practical to go around asking everyone to refrain from smoking in public.

    That’s why I support the smoking ban. It’s not just about exercising one’s freedom to smoke; it’s also about respecting others’ rights to a healthy environment. Exposing others to the dangers of smoking, such as lung cancer and other serious health issues, because of personal choices is not only inconsiderate but infringes on the freedoms of those who choose not to smoke. Protecting public health should take precedence over individual habits that harm others.

  4. This woman is a complete mutant if you decide to eat outside expect a smoker might light up 🤔

  5. When the uk is forced to take covid jab drugs and believes in covid jabs do not think a bit of smoke is going to hurt. After all I know 24 people by name who either ended up bed ridden or in nhs hospital after receiving covid jabs.

  6. Excuse me again, people choose not to be stabbed to death, walking our streets are dangerous but now Silly Starmer is more worried about people's choice to smoke????

  7. I not an anti smoker, but please don't stub fags out on walls top of bins and f lick stubs onto paths n roads cos they end upnin drains and waterways . wetherspoons have nice pots on tables and have a non smoking areas so we'll done spoons .Small country pubs with small gardens are up against it cos they rely on families in summer so smokers in that garden could put ppl off using that pub .

  8. 8.8 billion raised from cigarette tax in 2023. Nhs costs treating smoking related issues..2.4 billion. So how how is banning smoking helping the NHS???

  9. Well he'll need to arrest alot of people including me, because i will not comply with this. F this government.

  10. We did this in Canada, and it boosted the bar industry.
    People want to go to the pub, they just don't want smokers around.

  11. aint smoked a cigarette in 10 years so it doesn't effect me but i don't agree with it at all it will destroy the pubs and restaurant industries and the result of that people will be out of jobs more people on benefits doing more harm than good its been 2 world wars our grandfathers gave there lives for the future generations freedom and its against peoples human rights and freedom to tell them they aint aloud to smoke they know the risks it has warning labels all over the packets if they still choose to do it then its that persons choice and freedom to do it. this what happens when we have a labour government and its no other party's to hold them accountable the tories have been pretty much wiped out and at this point people are starting to realize the grass isnt greener on the other side and the tories in power wasnt that bad. its a saying you made your bed now lie in it people who voted labour we got another 4 years of this sit down get comfy enjoy your reward of labour taking away your freedom.

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