Edible Gardening

Harvesting Free Plants & Getting Free Woodchip Mulch | Gardening High Desert – Arizona Homestead

In this particular video I search my property and also things I find along the road-side for free plants to plant in my garden. I am in Northern, Arizona Williams – Flagstaff area and my growing zone is 6b. Checkout the video and see what I find

Keep On Movin’ – King Canyon
English Country Garden – Aaron Kenny
Slipping Away – Dyalla


  1. I recently picked up a lime green hosta and an anemone at Ace. They were half price, so the two were only $8. The anemone was very root bound and I couldn't get the roots to loosen. I found a cleaver in my breezeway and sliced it in half. The roots loosened up some and I got 2 plants. When I took the hosta out, it was actually 2 plants that I also sliced since they had grown together. So for $8, I got 4 plants. I was hoping you would forage some indigenous plants. I think it makes your garden interesting, and they will thrive well. Have a good one Ausia Lee!❤✌🤟

  2. Ausia, with your climate, I feel that for a few days prior to planting anything, walk around with your water hose and give the areas a good soaking, as well as a good watering in when planting and before covering the roots with soil, water everything in really well. This will give everything a really good start..
    Any trees that elk might bother, wrap old bike inner tubes around the trunks, after cutting the inner tube lengthwise and opening it out flat.

  3. Do you have issues with cockroaches there Ausia? If you do, they are going to love that woodchip! Great place to reproduce unfortunately.🪳🍂

  4. Very creative, sometimes at the end of season Home Depot puts out racks of struggling plants for cheap. California poppies love the dryness, adds pops of color like your happy sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻

  5. How did you learn so much about plants and gardening? You do an awesome job with your plants.

  6. Ball Berry so that is what they are called. Tried transplanting the Pinon Pine and have failed so far. Exited to see if it works for you. Like the idea of moving natural plants. Just need to get better at it. Will watch to see how it works for you and learn from you. You have wonderful gardening skills hun, thanks for sharing.

  7. I love so much, what youve done with the property! Took a youtube break and am amazed at the progress youve made , since I last watched. You should go into landscaping.

  8. I thought juniper were invasive. Utah has an eradication program. Oh, and gloves girl! Protect those fingers. Great video, Mahalo for sharing.

  9. Your a hard worker. everything is looking great. you are as bad as me. digging things up along the road. I always keep a shovel in the car. something I like is mullein. I love the tall yellow blooms. if your not sure what it is google it. it comes back every year. just in a different spot. lol. also morning glory would look nice on your trellis.

  10. Thank God for the birds. They have pooped out most of my yard. All I do is dig up the plants and put them where I want them. Including trees.

  11. I love to forage for native plants. They require much less care! ✌️🤣🪴

  12. Hey there, love watching your show. Some things I don't get though, you hate wasting money you say. But I see you eating out all the time. And ate out all winter long while you were traveling. To me that's wasting money when you could be making meals in your RV. No ill-will here it's just I don't get it.

  13. In its native growth environment, american wisteria prefers temperature range between 41 to 95 ℉ (5 to 35 ℃). During the summers, it thrives in hot temperatures while in winters it can easily tolerate freezing temperatures
    This would be nice on the trellis. Had one and loved it. Flower twice a year

  14. Hello Ausia…I like your garden whoever its important to cut out an pull all the weeds so that your garden can flourish..Or else the weeds will take it over i can see more of the weeds mixing in with your plants an eventually they will take over your beautiful garden 😁😃

  15. I know I give my plants second chances I hate digging them out baby them they might get better that’s what I do🤗

  16. 6:20 mark: Good call. I would leave them all together, too. They seem happy enough. Lol.

    13:00 mark: "Free" mulch and compost always seems to bring me more weeds. I've been very unhappy with the results. I guess you get what you pay for, sometimes. 🤷‍♀🤦‍♀

  17. where I live in town , the tree cutting and trimming people will bring all there wood chips to your house for free, so they don't have to take it to the dump. we have quite a few aqave around the yard and they multiply like crazy with little ones popping up. so many we have to thin them out and give them away or throw them away. smart of you to use the plants around your property to fill in around your established garden.

  18. You’re doing a great job. That is not easy work and you’re doing it to enjoy each day that you’re there that’s wonderful absolutely wonderful.
    You are a hard worker and a good person.
    Have a wonderful and blessed day and hope I see you on the road in your travels. Be blessed.

  19. Love the new content! Nice seeing someone gardening in the desert area. Good to learn what grows in your area, because they will also grow in my zone.

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