Front Yard Garden

What’s Blooming in My Zone 7 Water Wise Landscape in August

Its time for a new video to show what is blooming in my Water Wise Landscape. I do these video’s every month so you can see what you can use to have year round color!


  1. looks great! I wonder how "drought tolerant" the hibiscus is? I've been reluctant to try in Colorado as its alwaysl listed as a water lover.

  2. Blooming now in my zone 6 garden–zinnias, cosmos, marigolds, hyssop, gomphrena, hollyhocks, butterfly bush and geraniums that I wintered over in the garage. I'll transplant a hush puppy pennisetum to a sunnier location to get plumes. The notorious Russian sage though fragrant and beautiful will have to be taken out. It's too invasive!

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