Japanese Garden

Incredible Ironweed, Glorious Goldenrod and Amazing Anemone! – Three Perennial Wildflowers You NEED!

Welcome back to Bountiful Gardens! It’s the start of another school year, and the beginning of Fall planting season!! In this video, Joe and the team will get you acquainted with three incredible perennials you NEED to find space for in your garden: Ironweed, Goldenrod and Anemone!!

Ironweed (Vernonia spp.) is a native wildflower here in the United States, and there are a few species to choose from. The plant features amazing, abundant deep purple, textured flowers in late summer through mid fall, making it crucial for late season pollinators. Its seed heads stand through the winter, giving interest to an otherwise dull area. The plant gets its name from its stems, which are “as strong as iron,” and have been used in basket weaving and as cordage since recorded history.

Goldenrod is one of the most prolific native wildflowers in our northeastern ecosystem. These golden beauties can grow anywhere from 2-8 feet tall depending on the species, and are host to countless pollinators, birds and beneficial insects. Some species prefer very dry soils while others enjoy wetter sites. Though commonly confused for ragweed, goldenrod is actually hypoallergenic, as it’s an antihistamine! These plants also have very strong roots that will help sites establish after damage or fire.

Anemones are beautiful perennial flowers that are also known by “Windflower”. These plants are native to Asia, and as their common name suggests, they look gorgeously dainty as they dance in the breeze. Anemones prefer well-draining soils with normal moisture and appreciate a bit of shade later in the day.

Here’s a timestamp breakdown for you:

Joe’s Essential Plant Facts – 0:36
Dan’s Plant Specifics – 1:28
Ike’s Plant History – 2:10

Joe’s Essential Plant Facts – 2:56
Dan’s Plant Specifics – 3:48
Ike’s Plant History – 4:33

Anemone (Windflower):
Joe’s Essential Plant Facts – 5:14
Dan’s Plant Specifics – 6:04
Ike’s Plant History – 6:30

There’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to come manifest your perfect dream garden!!

Come down to any of our three locations–Ewing, Lawrenceville or Hillsborough to bring more bounty to your landscape. We’ll all be here ready to give expert advice to make your gardening as rewarding as possible.

Our Website: https://www.bountifulgardens.com/
Our Rewards Program: https://www.bountifulgardens.com/rewards
For Landscape Design Inquiries: Email landscaping@bountifulgardens.com

We hope to see you soon!


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