Native Plant Gardening

Didn’t know where else to share but I saw a hummingbird in my garden this morning!

I got incredibly lucky this morning and saw a hummingbird drinking from my honeysuckle this morning (I know that there’s bindweed around it a bout of depression caused it to get ahead of me but if anyone knows the best way to kill besides pulling please let me know!) I was so happy to see a hummingbird though I have never been able to see one in my garden! This subreddit is the only place I know that would care way I do!

by Ohlulu1093


  1. Feisty_Wrap3843

    My favorite animal/bird/bug to see 

  2. cporterriley

    I had like 5-6 the other day. They live my coral honeysuckle. I just built an arbor and planted two more. One hummingbird comes to my door, I think looking for me. So happy you have magical beings in your garden!

  3. Slow_and_Steady_3838

    NICE… I planted honeysuckle next to a bench in my back yard specifically for these encounters. They’re fast and hard to spot, you’ll seem them more now that your brain recognizes what they look like in flight.

  4. Electrical_Ticket_37

    Yay! Coral honeysuckle is a hummingbird magnet. I planted some two years ago. It really took off this year. The hummers visit it every day!

  5. immersemeinnature

    Yay! I have coral honeysuckle too! I usually have to prune mine back hard this time of year but they do love it!

  6. scoutsadie

    I get your excitement! congrats, and thanks for providing a great habitat for this little feathered friend.

    ETA – I’m sorry you’ve been struggling with depression. I hope you have a lot of support and are feeling less burdened by it.

  7. PM_ME_AReasonToLive

    Nothing brings me joy quite like seeing a hummingbird in my yard! I even saw one eat a bug once.

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