Front Yard Garden

Homeowner Fed-Up With Folks Cutting Through Yard, Gets CRAZY Revenge!

Lyons is a homeowner with a passion for order and control. When trespassers start cutting through his yard, he is driven to find a solution. After trying several options, none work, and his frustration grows. But then, one day, he has a genius idea to stop people from cutting across his yard and gets crazy revenge. What he does next shocks millions of people on the internet.

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Music: Bensounds/Youtube Library

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  1. if this was constantly happening every day, 1. why didn't he go out and speak to the and 2. if they con't to do so, call the cops. LOL that is awesome but guess what, if it's a hot day and the kids know it comes on don't you think they will go there to play in the sprinkler system to stay cool hmmm. if the parents and the neighbors weren't happy about his genius idea, then they should be making sure their kids don't trespass on other people's property. maybe the parents should be replacing the damage yard. that will make them think twice to be an actual parent

  2. I read about someone who had a corner lot. Everyone cut the corner across his lawn. He planted a hedge, not around the edge of his property, but on a diagonal, starting at the corner of the lot and back toward the house. It wasn’t just any hedge either. He asked the nursery for a hardy hedge (this was in Canada so it had to survive our winters). He also requested that the hedge have wicked thorns, not little ones like on raspberry canes but 1-2 inch thorns! I don’t know what kind it was, but it worked. He couldn’t get in trouble because he’d just landscaped his yard. No shooting water cannons, releasing dogs, etc. Just a nice green hedge.

  3. I read about someone who had a corner lot. Everyone cut the corner across his lawn. He planted a hedge, not around the edge of his property, but on a diagonal, starting at the corner of the lot and back toward the house. It wasn’t just any hedge either. He asked the nursery for a hardy hedge (this was in Canada so it had to survive our winters. He also requested that the hedge have wicked thorns, not little ones like on raspberry canes but 1-2 inch thorns! I don’t know what kind it was, but it worked. He couldn’t get in trouble because he’d just landscaped his yard. No shooting water cannons, releasing dogs, etc. Just a nice green hedge.

  4. HIS MENTAL CONDITION?? Nah. Uncontrolled assholes that should have had some upbringing and didn't! I believe your property is your property and no one has a right to walk all over it. They're walking all over YOU when they do that. Civilization has gone to shit when simple manners have been lost. Damn right, "GET OFF MY LAWN!!"

  5. Come summer time on hot sunny days with expensive rising city water rates, his yard is going to be very popular for kids to cool off on.

  6. Since I was old enough to walk to school, I was taught by my parents (as it should be) to use the sidewalk and street-corner crossings. My folks took the time to explain "why" . They didn't make it sound link a drill instructor screaming orders at my. The solution to the problem was simplee for kids but adults …. well …. they just might need a shower to remind them … not just what the law requires regarding trespassing on private property. I guess that is no changing some folks' behavior patterns. A cold shower, however, could instigate bigger problems, ones that one neither wants or needs

  7. Look how much time and effort he’s put into this “problem” that he has exaggerated in his mind, allowing it to affect his life!!
    Surely, he’s made enough $by now to install a fence, (which he should have done in the first place)

  8. Now, with the heat of summer, if he was located in the middle and south of the U.S., I would wager he would get more trespassers, and they would stay longer.

  9. “Only goats,” my mother would growl at us —and we would finish her sentence: “Only goats cut across yards.”

    We knew better than to cut across our yard to save a few steps when my Papá had spend so much money pouring sidewalks where she intended us to walk.

    So, if she caught us crisscrossing our yard —instead of using our sidewalks—her refrain was only half spoken but her looks could kill.

    To this day, I do not step on other ppl’s yards unless my life depends on it—like a dog coming after me.

  10. What he did to protect his lawn was nothing short of genius! I NEVER would've thought of doing something like that. Absolutely brilliant! It was His property and he had every right to defend its borders. He purchased it. Those people who thought it was harsh to do something as creative as that are either jealous of his creative genius or haven't had the experience of strangers trespassing on their property. You can say all the negative things you want until it happens to you. They're feeling sorry for the trespassers who are simply getting wet! So instead of championing the homeowner, they side with the violator probably because they, themselves, trespassed on his lawn and would now have to take the extra 30 seconds to walk to the intersection or risk getting wet! It's hilarious! Too bad I couldn't have thought up something as perfect as that. Great work!!!!

  11. I put up with this so I put a fence up,. Had my garden wrecked kids on bikes running through flower bed. . I made sure next house was not on a corner. I would find empty beer cans too under trees. Don't miss it.

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