
What can i do here?

Why is that and what can i do to prevent it? Can i remove the shoots?

by Express-Scene-2224


  1. SunshineBeamer

    Interesting. I’ve seen this before and I’m thinking too much fertilizer or the wrong kind. It is like the seeds in the flower are sprouting way early.

  2. rmg12217

    Can be a mutation or can be something called Phyllody
    Phyllody is caused from a virus that leafhoppers transfer to the plant when they suck the plant juices (other pests I believe too). Plant hormones also play a large role and can cause this abnormality from various environmental conditions/challenges. I hope this helps. To fix it? New plant is my opinion

  3. Express-Scene-2224

    I only used a fertilizer one time before. A universal fertilizer 5,5 + 5,0 +7,5

  4. pandro14

    I’m aware it was unexpected, but it looks pretty cool

  5. sub_english

    It looks like it may be aster yellows, in which case you should remove the plant and dispose of it without composting.

  6. SoggyMud336

    Looks like aster yellows. The treatment is removal and disposal, including the roots.

  7. GetFitForSurfing

    plant the flower and see where it goes from here?

  8. aChunkyChungus

    I’d just sit back and watch the show

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