
Should I give up?

I have been gardening for a few years, mainly flowers and ornamentals but this year my son asked me to grow a cherokee purple tomato for him. I’m in zone 8b and despite putting this plant in a pot kind of late in the season, I have been babying that thing, hand watering, fertilizing, protecting against sun and bugs. However this diva plant gave me exactly ONE tomato that seems to be growing soooo slow. I am getting a little tired of babying this plant and it just seems such a waste of water and fertilizer. The thing is, I know very little about tomato growing and I don’t even know if this plant will even bear more fruit. I know our first frost date is still months away so I want to keep trying because my son asks for so little. So I wanted to ask for your advice on whether there is even a chance to get a harvest at this point.

by Fordeelynx4

1 Comment

  1. tomatocrazzie

    I think your season is pretty much over. You can basically stop doing anything and see if it ripens.

    Cherokee Purple are tough in a lot of areas because they need pretty specific conditions to set fruit. I gave up on them years ago because, like you, I was only getting one or two fruit per plant.

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