Gardening Austin

Yaupon bush

My yaupon (planted last November) suddenly went yellow/dry ~3 weeks ago. There’s a “few” green leaves and when I carve back the bark it appears to still be alive. Should I leave it be for the time being or replant?

If replant when is the best time? After winter? Thanks!

by machupichu12

1 Comment

  1. confuniverse

    Best time to replant is when it cools off going into fall. But… I wouldn’t in this case. You’re seeing green tissue. Yaupons can completely defoliate from whatever stressor they are experiencing and bounce back easily. You should figure out what your problem is and ease it back into health.

    Take a close-up of the tree where it meets the soil. What’s your watering been like? Is your soil water retentive, or not?

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