
Help me!

Recently bought my great-grandmothers house in Oklahoma. She was very big on gardening/lawncare, but the family that lived here for the last 5 years very much weren't. I am hoping to get it back into shape, but I have absolutely no clue about this stuff (outside of watching This Old House) and would love some help.

1: what species is this grass; why is it so patchy, with clumps of grass surrounded by dirt; and what can be done to fix it, if anything.

2: one side of the house is completely dirt. With its placement between two houses and being next to the large root of an old tree it gets basically no sunlight and very little water except when it rains, in which case it turns into a small creek. Is there anything that can be planted here? It doesn't have to be grass, but I need to be able to walk on it.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

by Agitated-Ad8916

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