Gardening Australia

Can anyone help identify the greeblies in my parsley? Is it saveable or is it a remove and replace job? Thank you ๐Ÿ™

Can anyone help identify the greeblies in my parsley? Is it saveable or is it a remove and replace job? Thank you ๐Ÿ™

by fourpersonaudience

1 Comment

  1. Iโ€™m not sure whatโ€™s going on with it. But it looks like some kind of insect has made it home.

    If you were going to try and save it, Iโ€™d cut everything off down low and see if it sends out new growth, but Iโ€™d get ready to replace it or plant some somewhere else as a backup.

    Have you just cut the leaves to use and left the stems? Or have the leaves just gone?

    If you just took the leaves, in the future cut them whole stem lower down using the outside ones first to provide more room for the new growth and keep it all a bit neater and hopefully less prone to disease.

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