
Anyone here a fan of Joshua Trees?

This big fella is almost 30 years old, and we’ve been asked by a few landscapers and one arborist to PLEASE not tear it down (we have no intention of doing so). Apparently it’s pretty impressive? Started as a little sapling as part of the landscaping when the house was built, now it’s tall enough that it peaks over the roof on the backside. I always found it interesting that it grew the way it does compared to how a Joshua Tree normally grows. Also, it’s a good 100 miles farther north than it should be, we get a full 4+ months of proper winter with heavy snow, I’ve always wondering if the proximity to the house and orientation of where it’s at had anything to do with its health. Anyway, just wanted to share in case anyone was interested, happy basically Tuesday!

by DrPenisWrinkle


  1. Wal-Mart_Toilet

    These trees can live hundreds of years! That house will be long gone before those trees die.

  2. Darth_Enclave

    You reckon that might be a Yucca Rostrata?

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