
Old bur oak concerns

Hey all! I have an open-grown Bur oak that I’m concerned about, and I’m wondering if it’s issues are age-related or something worse. Here are pics of the leaves and crown. The other Bur oaks nearby in a similar age and condition class have much healthier looking leaves and crown. Thanks for any thoughts.

Location: Illinois, USA.

by wonkierbooble


  1. wonkierbooble

    Bonus pic of a pecan tree I planted this spring!

  2. Tricky-Counter8666

    Looks like bur oak blight (BOB), would require a fungicide treatment, unsure of cost. I believe they will survive several many years with this as it only affects leaves, a heavy winter may help. If your tree has it, the rest in the neighborhood will follow. Contact an arborist for help, sorry this is happening to you ):

    Hell yeah for pecans though!

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