Edible Gardening


On this episode we focus on home garden maintenance and focusing on reclaiming a neglected garden. When you lose control of weeds and maintenance it can feel overwhelming to get it back. Fear not! It can be done and it doesnt have to be done in one day. Start. That’s the plan. Just start the process. We’ll give you a fall garden tour of our sun garden and full perennial bed and how we’re reclaiming the beauty we lost this year! Plus a recap of fall blooming perennials and flowers!


  1. I am not far from you. Both the butterfly weeds and native milkweeds are doing well this year. I would recommend running the sprinkler at this point, we just haven’t gotten enough water lately. Even my Salvias, both the tender and cold hardy ones, got droopy. I ran the sprinkler last night for an hour and everything was much happier this morning. With the butterfly bush, my variety forms two buds behind each active blossom. I go around the bush once per week and cut off the dead blossoms just ahead of each pair of buds, and then I get two more blossoms which replace each original one. The plant loves the dry sunny weather we have been having. It doesn’t like it if I fuss over it; it doesn’t like mulch and mine seems to perform worse if I fertilize it.

  2. Do you ever start echinaces seeds now ? I noticed my dahlias look slightly different from what the picture show. The one I least like, is prolific. I'm going to mark them and give them away.

  3. Hi, I don't think the 3 red and white dahlias you are holding are Tartan. Tartan is burgundy and white with a 7" bloom. Height 4 1/2 ft. I've been growing Tartan for 4 years and it's always burgundy and white, never red and white. Could your dahlia be Checkers? It has a 4" bloom and is 3 1/2 ft. Or Zakary Robert?

  4. For looking good in the fall try adding some tall Asters and some tall grasses (Calamagrostis Karl Foerster, Stipa gigantea), which also go great with Verbana bonariensis. More natural look can take dead Echinacea seedheads.

  5. Love your yard and the forest behind it. Love your approach to gardening. And I agree with some of the other comments — don't be so hard on yourself.

  6. Sorry My fence kept the ground hogs and rabits from eating my black eyed susans .Who would have thought cleo would be such a good jumper .

  7. Your transparency is refreshing. I too have had a year where my gardens got away from me. I'm ready to clean up for fall and mulch and out the gardens to bed. Its nice to know I'm not alone.

  8. Love your videos. Watch them each week. You can split the butterfly weed. I'm in the north edge of 6A. My butterfly weed didn't do well this year. You inspire me❤

  9. It’s going to be great again, Shelley! So glad you’re getting a head start on next year.

  10. I think the first time I noticed your disappointment turn into lack of interest or giving up, was when the deer ate your beautiful hostas. Deer are brutal. Are you giving up the children’s garden? That seems to take a lot of your time each week. Maybe have the kids over to the farm pulling weeds, planting and mulching for next year. 🤣

  11. You sound like Trump, we will make America great again!
    Shelly …. We will make our gardens Beautiful again! Yes 🙌
    Looking forward to watching your new adventures at the farm full time in 2025 🌺🌻🌸🌹🌷💫☀️🌈🐞🐝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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