Gardening UK

What can I do to encourage stick insects in my garden?

I spotted this fellow on one of my bare berry bushes and am just wondering if there's anything I can do to encourage this fine gentleman to stick around and bring his friends?

by Z3ps


  1. plant-cell-sandwich


    There are no native stick insects

  2. b-e-r-n

    Move to the Mediterranean! Or wherever they are natives

  3. Strong-Usual6131

    Stick insects have become naturalised in south-west England. Thus far, they don’t seem to have an impact on native wildlife, but due to climate change, their range may spread, and they may become more troublesome.

    Provide for native insects, and the stick insects will also be happy. Check out ‘wildlife gardening’ books.

    (They also tend to reproduce through parthenogenesis, so you don’t necessarily need to attract more to your garden to see more of them about!)

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