
Florida ghost hasn’t grown since January

I got this in January and it was ok for a few months, at some point it kept loosing leaves and then it would be down to one, would push out another that was super pale and usually the new leaf would die. I'm super careful about watering in general so if anything it's not getting enough water but since I realize that could be an issue, ive been trying to be better about that the past couple weeks. The other philos under my grow light with it are growing like weeds and this one is so sad. Last week I mixed the soil with half orchid bark because it seemed a bit compacted. I also fertilize regularly. Recently I've done some pest control treatments but it already wasn't doing great before that , and I don't think this plant specifically was infected.

Any ideas? It bums me out that it's not happy…

by Pretty-Lingonberry84

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