
How close is too close?

TLDR my partner is very particular about the space I take up with gardening, mostly because she doesn’t want it to feel chaotic. Also, if our dogs don’t get to the grass quickly enough, they’ll piss on the concrete because they’re prissy huskies 😂

So what risks do I have having them this close? Hybridization? Under pollination?

I have tried to separate them by other plants, but she keeps switching up my order 🤣

What are your thoughts?

From left to right, I have black pearl hots, amethyst jewel tomatoes, 2 pots of jalapeños, black vipers, more jalapeño, a spruce tree, blueberries lol, long hot peppers, black viper, UFO peppers, Dracula tongue/fangs, raspberries, Dracula fangs with jalapeño behind them, and the last square pot has one sapling of each of them (specifically for making weird hybrids

So again, how close is too close? Is one potted plant enough? Two? Other sides of the yard? I probably have about 20 square feet total so I could move them, but in certain corners they may not get full sun all day.

by PerroCerveza

1 Comment

  1. TheWallyFlash

    In my personal experience peppers don’t mind growing into each other, which these will certainly do. This year I went more crowded and my yields have been a lot higher and I do think that’s part of why. They shade each other out and keep their microclimate more humid which they do enjoy. I would suggest getting some stakes since you have them growing right next to your house, they get lopsided reaching for the sun in that setup and if a breeze hits it the right way it’ll knock them over.

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