Gardening UK

Any ideas for what to do with this odd neighbouring wall breeze block setup in our new garden?

Any ideas for what to do with this odd neighbouring wall breeze block setup in our new garden?

by mablestrange


  1. Cover with a fence panel? Trellis with a climber?

  2. X4ulZ4n

    Render it? Paint it? Check that it’s okay with your neighbour first though. Can’t really grow much up it as it would deny access though your gate. Also the top brace on your gate is the wrong way around, it’s supporting nothing, weight should push into the hinges, like a shelf support would be for example. You may get a slight sag in your gate.

  3. drh4995

    If ever there was a case of one neighbour only giving a shit about themselves it’s this ugly monstrosity. Paint it and hang a massive outdoor mirror, planting looks out of the question due to the gate

  4. SchoolForSedition

    That looks like a trellis opportunity.

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