Plant Clinic

Yellowing leaves often!

Brought an Aglaonema Red Vein home over 2 weeks ago (6th pic), made sure it got acclimated to my home first. It's been turning yellow ever since, leaf by leaf (1st to 4th pic) 😔

I repotted it a couple days ago (5th pic) because I thought it was waterlogged — the soil was compact. I'm not sure whether it's in extended shock, lacking water, overwatered — I just know it's unhappy 😭

Watering once weekly, any excess water removed from saucer, placed in bright indirect light daily, recent repotting mix > Coco peat, coir, perlite, palm compost. Tropical environment, high humidity.

Any help & advice would be much appreciated 🙏 thanks in advance!

by sfaida

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