Gardening UK

What the heck do I do with this front garden?

The garden is huge and have no idea what to do with it.

We’ll be extending the drive to where the bins are as we currently block each other in. There’s a path adjacent to where the extended drive will be. It’s a corner plot, so the front door is actually side-facing the road.

Behind where this photo is taken is more overgrown hedges lol.

by dystxpian98


  1. chockychockster

    What do you want from it? You could convert it into a kitchen garden if that appeals, or sow yellow rattle to begin the process of converting it into a meadow over a few years, or you could landscape it into more of an outdoor living space, or landscape it into a cottage garden for next year, put in play stuff for your kids if you have them. It all depends on what you want though.

  2. nathancrick13

    Developers could fit around 8 ‘affordable’ homes on that land these days!

  3. waltandhankdie

    That’s the most back garden looking front garden I’ve ever seen

  4. dinkidoo7693

    Plonk a gazebo on it then rent it out for events/weddings.

  5. StereotypicallBarbie

    Nothing? I kind of like it as it is.. just a bit of maintenance and a tidy up of the bushes.

  6. Global_Monk_5778


    ETA: seriously it depends on what you love. I have kids so I’d leave it as a law. Do you have any/ plan for any? Dog? Sometimes lawn is best.

  7. Certain-Entrance5247

    Woodland, a great opportunity to rewild.

  8. bachobserver

    I’d plant a nice small tree in the middle of it and create island beds full of pollinator friendly perennials. 

  9. Salty_Visual8421

    For next year, ideal space for a pumpkin 🎃 patch.

  10. Loligo-V

    Pond! With an island in the middle!

  11. DerGutterSnipen

    A nice concrete car park would look great and be practical for when you have guests over

  12. anditwaslove

    I’d put a gazebo and seating area in the middle, surrounded by plant beds.

  13. markedasred

    We are so conditioned to have lawns. My plan with the back garden of our housing association place when I hit the year mark is go full fruit and veg with the 25×4 metre space. I should be able to cut my food bill by at least a quarter.

  14. Puzzled-Past3938

    I’d plant apple trees and have a little orchard

  15. JustWonderPhil

    Orchard. Looks good, low maintenance, free food. 

  16. softladdd

    That’s an amazing clean slate to work up from!

  17. respectpickorder

    Community Bayblade tournament

  18. Boudicat

    An old neighbour of mine had a similar plot with a beautiful display of magnolia trees in it.

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