
(Beginner) Why is this spineless prickly pear turning yellow?

I picked off a perfect green leaf of a spineless prickly pear to propagate it. After 3 days it’s starting to turn yellow. Anyone know the issue? I read these were incredibly easy to propagate so I wanted to try. Please be kind I’m a new cactus grower/ enjoyer. Lol Thank you

by Similar_Sandwich_708


  1. Maybe sunburn if the previously shaded side is exposed to the sun. Give it some shade for a bit. It isn’t much of a problem, that part will eventually cork anyway.

  2. BeardyMcReddit

    Definitely sunburn. When you first take a pad or cutting from a cactus you have to let it callous over. Takes a up to 7-10 days for most prickly pears depending on size. After that you have to protect them from direct sunlight until they have roots. So put it in a spot that gets bright indirect light in its own pot with well draining soil and do not even water until it has roots. The sunburn patch will scar over and be kind guck looking for ever but good news is as this plant grows the new pads will be fine and this pad should work eventually which will mask the sunburn. But that’s years down the road. For now put it in a pot and place it somewhere bright and warm with no direct sunlight

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