Carnivorous Plants

Nepenthes terrarium

I want to contribute to ideas and share my terrarium setup. I got an old 550 liter aquarium from my local bar. They did not want to keep fish anymore. Measuring aproximately 160x55cm.
Lights: mars hydro 100w led on left side 5x20w compact fluorescent tubes on right side.
Small usb powered fan for circulation.
Glass lid slightly open for air exchange. Inkbird humidistat connected to a small ultrasonic humidifier to keep RH above 76%.
Usually RH at ~80% @ day. >95%RH @ night.
Temp 26C at day. 19C or colder at night. In the wintertime I will hopefully get it down to 16C at night.
Live sphagnum between pots for a more natural look. Underneath is plastic tiles to avoid pots sitting in water.

by oyster-777

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