Gardening Australia

Best edging to use??

We have this garden bed area but currently there’s nothing stopping the grass from growing in there. What’s the best edging to use to stop the grass from being able to grow/spread in that area? As you can see from the photo the one part I have pulled out the grass and laid wet cardboard underneath the bark but I need to figure out an edge for it. Thanks!

by Sjredman91


  1. Ok_Strength_2534

    I think the cardboard and pine bark will stop lawn grass growing in …you could put brick or concrete edging but its too small an area for it.

  2. Severe_Candle_1305

    Natural edging otherwise known as the Victorian trench. There is no product capable of holding back kikuyu grass indefinitely. At least not one that will not deteriorate from whipper snipping against or without gaps the grass will eventually find except maybe a foot thick and deep of solid concrete. The person who invents one that can will be an instant millionaire.

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