What's this plant

There’s no way these are nightshade vines, is there 😭 ? Located in Delaware, United States (North-Eastern region of the country)

There are also grapevines growing in the same area as well but these ones are distinctly not the same. These vines with the purple flowers are also growing small green berries that look like unripe cherry tomatoes. I’m concerned because though my dog doesn’t care about the area of my backyard that these are growing in and doesn’t mess with them, there are young kids in a lot of the houses around mine and if birds spread the seeds to their yards or something I worry that children (or other neighborhood pets) wouldn’t know to leave them alone so I want to uproot these soon if they are a poisonous plant. Thx in advance to anyone who replies!!

by evilgirlwdevilhorns


  1. MappingChick

    Yep – nightshade. Not sure which one, specifically.

  2. Lost_Geometer

    That’s bittersweet nightshade (*Solanum dulcamara*). The unripe berries and foliage are indeed significantly toxic, though no more so than several other plants in your area. The species is common and there’s (IMO) no benefit to pulling it up unless you’re specifically worried about someone who likes to eat random berries.

  3. WildlifePolicyChick

    Other than being nightshade, Yeah there’s no way this is nightshade.


  4. Vampira309

    this is 100% bittersweet nightshade! (I have a tattoo of it on my arm, with other poisonous flowers).

    The unripe berries are toxic – the ripe berries are not. It’s a beautiful plant.

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