
Is it a Cattleya?

I was told it’s a cattleya but when I look up online it’s kinda different. It’s her first blooming and I am delighted by the beauty of this orchid ❤️

by ItchyNebula6859


  1. Frosty0426

    It looks like a cattleya to me lol, not sure of the variety though.

  2. StichedTameggo

    Yep, it’s a cattleya hybrid! If it’s your first cattleya type hybrid, the American Orchid Society has a culture sheet with good tips on care.

  3. These need A LOT of light. I recommend a south facing window. The leaves should be a lighter green if they are getting enough light vs dark green

  4. MegaVenomous

    Yes, it’s a Cattleya hybrid. Looks like it has a lot of C. (Sophronitis) coccinea in it because of the enclosed lip and vibrant red color. But, beyond that, I couldn’t give you a more exact id.

    Very nice! Thank you for sharing it!

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