
Can I save this silver dragon?

Long story short, there’s been a silver dragon alocasia at my local Lowe’s on the clearance rack for a week or two now. It was pretty sad so I decided to pick it up today. The cashier felt pity on my little plant so he gave it to me for $5. There was one long, dried out leaf and a tinier one that’s kinda browning but it’s putting out more leaves and has some green points.

I gave it some water in the bathroom since it was bone dry and am planning on letting it acclimate to my place before I repot but is this even viable? Or did I just waste $5? 😂

by emotionalsupportloaf


  1. Beautiful_Musician68

    Yes! Might need a smaller pot. Check the roots if you’re comfortable.

  2. Definitely. there’s new growth at the top of the rhizome! (the green pointy bits)
    I would size down the pot, and use chunky well draining soil.

  3. Galaxie_Keenan333

    I agree with other commenters and saying it’s possible. Plus, when you repot you can see if there’s any viable corms too! Good luck!

  4. Perfect-Vanilla-2650

    Silver dragons hate me so I’d say no, but the answer is actually yes, it’s possible. I would take it out of the soil, cut all the roots off (yes, all of them), put the rhizome in a glass of water making sure not to submerge the stem, and then when a nice root system has grown, I’d plant it in pon which in the long run will make it way happier than soil ever will.

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