
Will my mother plant keep pushing out almost fully white leaves after propagating?

First time propagating anything and I’m quite excited! The mother plant is pushing out two stems and one is almost fully white! Hopefully there’s enough green to sustain the leaf after but it’s so striking. Will it continue to grow whiter and whiter leaves or is this a random thing? Might move this one to a spot with more sunlight but it’s just so exciting ahh!

by Lesliewebster



    I have no idea as a new plant Mom. But I’m excited for you!

  2. HEHEMAN47

    Yes, but in the end those super white leaves are not able to collect nearly as much sun as the other leaves making them super weak and susceptible to sunburn. I’ve personally had a super hard time propagating and keeping them alive because of how demanding they are. My advice is to keep watch on them, they can survive but if there are any issues please prune them.

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