Plant Clinic

Whats wrong with my plant?

Bought 3 weeks ago, it was well watered when i got it. I haven't transplanted yet. Watered twice only in 3 weeks because i saw signs of yellow wilting. Soil is drier than it should be currently but two good leaves welted already. What should i be doing next? #plantcare #gardening #help

Get indirect light thru curtains next to it

by amolbhatia


  1. 2chinz-YaMama

    It looks like your plant is healthy. Check the newest growth and double check how bright and light-green it is, no brown tips/tipping and yellowing. If all is well then your elephant ear is dropping leaves. If you think there needs to be a change, keep a close eye on watering and watering routine. Good luck

  2. FloraMacabre

    It looks like it’s just making room for new growth. Remove the yellow leaves to prevent any fungal issues, and you should be ok.

    The rest of the plant looks very healthy and has that new growth coming in. That’s a good sign.

  3. anjunacaligirl

    your plant looks like it’s in great condition. remove the yellow leaves and keep on that barely watering schedule.

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