
Ficus root over rock – 8 year progression

Ficus root over rock – 8 year progression

by peter-bone


  1. peter-bone

    Originally a cutting from another tree. They root easily. After plenty of roots had formed I layed them out over a sandstone rock found in my garden and held them in place with tape. The whole thing was buried in a deep pot. Over a few years I reduced the level of the soil as the roots thickened and hardened off while allowing the tree to grow without pruning. In early 2022 I chopped it back hard to start developing the structure. From then on it’s been regular pruning and a bit of wiring. It went into it’s first proper bonsai pot last year.

    This was one of the few trees that I took with me when I moved from the UK to Germany. The top 3 photos were taken in the UK and the bottom 3 in Germany.

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