
How can I keep this tree alive / healthy before replanting?

Rescued this tree from a neighbor’s remodel; how can I keep it healthy before finding a permanent home?

by thesharriso


  1. Scholar_Less

    Wrap it up on a bag at bare minimum but always try to keep roots in darkness besides the very flare where trunk and roots meet

  2. MonsteraMaple

    Where are you from ? (Zone etc)
    That’s a beautiful maple, grew a little wild over the past year or so but you can tell they put some love into it

  3. Waltz_whitman

    Keep covered with burlap and wood chips, ideally both. Keep moist!

  4. New_Decision_3146

    Hot take: look for a local bonsai group and contact them for advice on potting this. The root ball is small enough that it could be trained for bonsai relatively easily and it would be gorgeous. In the meantime, burlap sack to cover roots.

  5. Psych_nature_dude

    Lord. Put it in a pot and fill it with good soil. Water it.

  6. meta_stable

    Like others have said, wrap it up or at the very least place it into a pot larger than the root ball. You can also build a box; that is very common in bonsai. You will also need to do quite a heavy pruning because that looks like too many branches and leaves for the amount of root left.

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