
I think i messed up 🥲

My PPP had a leaf that was stuck . I gave it a small tug yesterday night to release it, It worked but i shouldve left it alone. I tried to straighten the petiole but i heard a small little snap. It didnt sever completely and its still holding itself up pretty well. Im hoping at worse it just scars her 😭😭😭

by Strawberry_berry_boy


  1. Digitalispurpurea2

    I feel your pain. It’s hard not to help and wishing the best for your PPP.

  2. EducatorForward

    I try my best not to mess with the stuck leaves, however if you do wanna help, a warm washcloth over the stuck area can help loosen it without causing damage

  3. leafcomforter

    PPP’s need humidity to open the leaves. I put mine outside this summer and all of the leaves opened! Try putting it in the bathroom when you shower. The steam helps.

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