Gardening UK

Christmas Tree emergency

Hi all, I have been caring for this Christmas tree for about a year and a half. It's approaching it's second Christmas and it's had a bit of a tough summer. I repotted and it's no longer taking drinking the water, soil is constantly soggy. Today I'm repotting to a plastic pot with holes in the bottom with some new soil. We have this week also fed it some tomato feed which I worry may have contributed further to it's downfall. I'm just wondering if you have any additional care tips I can do to try and get this tree back to life.

It's quite a symbolic tree, bought it when my daughter was born and wants to keep it growing as she grows up.

Please pretty please

by uselessidiot12345


  1. walkingmelways

    Yeah it sooooo needs to drain. Repot into a pot with holes asap. Is it a Monterey pine ?

  2. UrbanManc

    Its an impossible task, thousands have tried thousands have failed.

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