
Please help me save this streptophylla

I got this at a plant clearance and gave it a good 1 hour soak when I came home. Most leaves are dotted with yellow spots and the leaves feel limp and flaccid.

I have a few questions:
– Where should I place it?
a) Outdoors on a south facing open deck (high humidity 80, high temp 30+ degC, breezy)
b) By a south facing window that is slightly cracked open with indirect sun
c) Under a growlight on my desk (humidity of about 50, temp 25 degC, still air – maybe some draft from AC)

  • Are the yellow spots fungal disease?
    a) If so, how shall I treat it? Spot treatment, spray, soak? Any antifungal recc for airplants?
    b) Will it spread to my other plants?

  • How should I water it? I spray the open deck ones daily, spritz the indoor ones daily and soak them weekly.

Thanks everyone 🙂

by NervousAnalyst7709

1 Comment

  1. Dustyolman

    The only spot I could see looked like insect damage that shouldn’t spread. If you want to treat it for fungus, get some Physan 20 and follow the directions for orchids. By the look of the picture, this plant could stand a longer soak. I soak mine for 1 – 4 hrs. I keep them under grow lights in a tent. Temps range from 68 – 85°F with between 55 and 75% humidity. Your deck sounds fine if it is protected from direct sun.

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