Fiddle Leaf Fig

Need advice. What do I do with this FLF

I rescued this guy from a Target for $7 (yes, I know it's technically two plants;I plan on separating them in the Spring). I removed a ton of leaves when I first purchased it. It was in rough shape; severely dehydrated and in desperate need of some sunlight. Fast forward through the summer where I put him outside on my porch in southern light, and he's rebounded. Currently in a bathroom with south facing windows.

My question:

What do I do with these bottom floppy leaves? Do I take them off?
My concern is the stalk being thin and top heavy where I've had abundent growth.

Cut and prop? I'm in zone 6a and we're heading into fall/winter, so not sure this is the best time to do that.

Or just leave it alone until the Spring/Summer?

by maj_321

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