
What kind of plant is this, and how can I better care for it?

Plant newbie here. I got this plant at a grocery store last srping. It’s in a medium sized pot, and I just moved it outside into the warm weather (I live in NJ). It has one really long stem that sort of hangs over the side of the pot (I’n holding the stem up in the 2nd photo). Should I give it a stand/support?

It seems like a warm weather plant so I’m assuming I should bring it indoors for the winter.

by Madame_Roo

1 Comment

  1. Virtual_Abroad_4264

    That looks like a White Philodendron, specifically a Philodendron erubescens. You can look into a sphagnum moss poll to help support it.

    Also those little buds or spiny looking things are the beginnings of aerial roots. You can cover with the sphagnum moss and plastic wrap, keep moist to help them grow. Or use a a root stimulator on them. They can help grow and climb.

    Don’t use other mosses tho. I learnt they are not all the same. Like just for decoration.

    Don’t over water. Easy to root rot. Needs well drained soil kept moist. Never let it dry out. It gets sad easily.

    I use tropical potting soil mix. Which is usually coconut coir, clay pebbles, clay, small bark chips, some potting soil with perlite.

    Helps keep it moist and drain really well. Does well in humidity 60-80%. Usually like part sun (east facing window). But can grow accustomed to full sun (north facing window).

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