
Is it too late?

Hello everyone!

I just moved in a new flat and found this plant on the terrace. I am no expert but it looks like leaves have some kind of weird appearance.
Does anyone of you know what am I supposed to do to save it?

Thanks a lot 🙏🏻

by LucaTagliamonte


  1. _cutie-patootie_

    I’m pretty sure it’s a Sansevieria. Just water it a bit and wait. The yellow parts are supposed to be yellow if you’re worrying about that.

    The same thing happened to me with an aloe vera. It must’ve been without water for 3 months at least and she’s doing well now!

  2. HeadReaction1515

    It’s sanseviera, you can’t kill it.

    You also have about 17-18 plants in there, so there’s that too.

  3. Akitten84

    Like the other commenter said, it’s a sansevieria, or snake plant/mother in laws tongue, and it looks mostly ok to me. Definitely not too late! Lol It’s probably thirsty, but they are very hardy plants. They like sunshine, but can handle lower light (not *too* low of light, as my bff found out lol).

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