
Brown leaves (sunburn? Underwatering?)

Hello, lovely people!
I got a cutting with two leaves from my mum, a golden pothos that used to be my grandma's! So it's a very important plant for me. I've been giving it lots of love all year and it grew so much, it's my pride and joy. Unfortunately, during July and August (the hottest months where I live) I had to leave for holidays in two occasions.
I used to water the plant every week or every 10 days or so depending on the soil, but when I left I had to space the watering, so suddenly it got water every 14 days instead in between July and August. I left the blinds down so it wouldn't get as much light (it normally sits right next to an east facing window) and also it wasn't super hot, more like 25 C° (around 77 F°). Anyway, when I got back it had some brown spots in some leaves. They haven't spread much since August except for a new tiny spot in one variegated leave, so I don't think it's any pests, but I'm wondering if these are sunburns (and therefore I should move my plant) or if it was an underwatering issue.
Thanks in advance!

by pizpireta95

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