
Is this a codominant leader ?

As the post says is the limb on the right in the close up shot too parallel to the main limb? Eastern redbud. Planted 2 years ago. It’s currently about 11 feet high. I’m in NY

by Chaotic-Gardener-


  1. workingmanshands

    It is and is also a weak joint. But I’m no arborist. And the other thing is you can’t just cut that out. It’s a substantial portion of the trees canopy. If it were mine(I’m not an arborist so someone else might correct me)… id wait til it loses its leaves and then the non dominant co leader. Like remove some of the branches. Then next year remove the ladder entirely so the tree isn’t losing as much at one time.

  2. Chaotic-Gardener-

    To clarify, the orientation is flipped between photos

  3. EMDoesShit

    I would 100% prune one of those two leaders this fall. Make sure you look up the correct distance from the trunk to make the cut, so the tree can compartmentmentalize this wound not not have a shortened lifespan.

    Make a rough cut first, a foot away from the trunk: If you don’t know what a 3-cut pruning method is, you need to do some googling before grabbing the saw.

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