Lawn Care

That’s where my Rust came from

Here I am learning lawn care this summer/fall noticing a weird powder on my new lawn when I cut this past weekend. Cut to yesterday scrambling to research what Rust is exactly. Seeing my neighbors lawn this morning and wow. If only I laid a preventative 😅. Live and learn, that’s why we DIY right?

by AtriumKarceri

1 Comment

  1. Past-Direction9145

    got my propiconazole out at a preventative rate a week ago. rotated from azoxystrobin.

    always rotate your antifungals. there is a fungus resistance action committee– FRAC # for any given fungicide.

    often times when it builds a resistance to one it is also making itself weaker to another. so the rotated antifungal is the KO move.

    my lawns are mostly shade and it’s a problem every year. so I just use a little at the usual times and it’s like there’s no fungus problems anymore

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