African Violets

Elderly coworker shared!

Sorry if this is a little rambling. Backstory is important, to me anyway lol. I work with a sweet lady in her 70’s. She and I are both plant lovers and we both keep aquariums. She’s kind of a surrogate mom and grandma to me as my mom has passed and my grandma and I don’t speak. We have shared cuttings and propagations of things like pothos, Purple Heart, aloe Vera, Holiday Cacti. We have even shared fish when I kept freshwater and our fish or snails had too many babies lol.

She surprised me with these 2 baby African violets. She loves her African Violets. I don’t know jack about them and I have anxiety just thinking about them dying and her being disappointed in me 😭

She gave me a 3cc syringe and said water it with that when it’s dry. But how dry? She just said meh, just dry, you’ll know. But I don’t 😫

by Whyallusrnames

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