Lawn Care

What is the best way to thin out a lawn?

In preparation for winter (3a) I’ve been dropping my HoC down to 2” As I do this, I am noticing some areas of turf that seem too densely populated. A fresh cut at 2” feels like a soft bristle brush in the places I’m worried about. I attribute this to too much overseed this past spring.

I would like to thin these areas out to avoid disease issues (especially snow mold over the winter), root rot, and overall turf quality and appearance. It also sucks to push the mower through.

I admit the picture doesn’t really look like there’s much of an issue, but that’s a 2” cut and I can’t even touch soil/thatch grass without using both hands to pull the plants apart. Lots of dead blades in there because of what I assume to be over-competition.

What is the best way to go about thinning out overpopulated turf, and/or is it necessary? Will this sort itself out with time?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

by GeneralMillss


  1. AutoModerator

    Hey! Are you looking for information about how to overseed a cool season lawn? You can find a comprehensive guide [in this post here.](

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. GeneralMillss

    Damn, I double-triggered auto-mod. Achievement unlocked.

    Edit: oh baby a triple!

  3. Electrical-Tower8534

    While it looks gorgeous, it can cause problems as you mentioned. When was the last time you aerated and dethatched? Those two would help with the really dense areas to ensure air flow and nutrients/water can get to it

  4. CorrectNoCall

    I recommend verticutting, did my zoisia yard wonders.

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