
Am I supposed to trim her? She’s extremely tall

I propagated this lady from a cutting a few years ago (the lowest branch), and this summer she shot out three huge branches. I’m 6’1” and she’s almost as tall as me, with new leaves still coming in. Shes at least 5’ tall on the tallest branch, and that one has leaving coming in at the top 2 at a time. The weather has even started to turn and we aren’t getting as much sun, shouldn’t she go dormant by now? Am I supposed to prune the top so she stop growing and doesn’t fall over?

One of the new branches has also started budding. I tried to take a photo from another angle to show the gorgeous large leaves with silver spots, I hope it is clear.

Shes in what is now a small pot so I don’t understand why she keeps growing despite being crowded. How would I repot, in the spring I assume, when she is so huge without damaging the leaves?

I know nothing about begonias, thank you!

by sexmountain

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