Lawn Care

Dead grass in amongst growing grass. Sown this year. Help!

Hi all

I'm UK based and last year bought a house with a large patch of soil with plants next to already established lawn. We got rid of the plants as we wanted more lawn and sowed seeds in September '23. We were inexperienced and left it to grow and naturally it didn't do well and I had to take out all the dead grass and do it again this year (in May), but this time properly aerating the soil and using top soil.

It grew beautifully and fast over summer and mowed it regularly, but we have recently mowed it again and now it's almost all dead, with random tufts of grass still growing really healthily? Like the healthy grass is growing over the dead grass, almost at different levels if that makes sense.

The dead parts are easy to remove so I know it's no longer attached at the root. Therefore when it comes out it's going to be really patchy.

Is there anything I can do about this to revive it? Is this thatch? I don't want to replant the whole thing again.
Can I put seeds where it'll eventually patchy or will the grass not grow properly?
The newer grass grows so much quicker than the established grass, why is this?

I'm tempted to take the entire lawn out and get a new one rolled out but I haven't budgeted for this, and besides the other half of the established grass is still healthy.
Thanks in advance

by Subject_Coast8371

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