
Hi guys just got my first tree.

I just got gifted this mugo pine by my great aunt and im seeking help as this is my first ever bonsai.
First of im wondering if the pot is too big since im going to be repotting in the early spring id like to get a good pot. Also looking for any feedback or styling tips.
On the topic of styling i also though i could plant the tree at an angle so instead of it cascading and looping around its going to go sideways out of the ground and then up.

by Dan0Drev0


  1. RatlessinNoCo

    I think repotting for a Mugo is now- late summer/fall.

  2. BryanSkinnell_Com

    Before you get too carried away with styling I would suggest holding off for a couple years and see how well you can take care of it. Bonsai begins with good horticulture skills and it’s essential to know how to properly care for a tree and how to keep it in optimal health. Otherwise it’s pointless to style it up nice just to watch it deteriorate and die.

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