Plant Clinic

Rubber plant leaves falling off and drooping? Am I overwatering or under watering?

Rubber plant leaves falling off and drooping? Am I overwatering or under watering?

by Antidotebeatz


  1. Intelligent-Pay-5028

    When you say it’s near a window, how near is it? Because ficuses like a lot of light, and need at least some direct sun every day. If it’s drooping and dropping leaves, it’s most likely overwatered, which is almost always caused by insufficient light. Overwatering isn’t about the amount of water, it’s about the frequency, and how long the soil is staying wet. Ficuses like to dry out considerably between waterings, and weekly watering is probably too often for how much light it’s getting.

  2. Character-Newt-9571

    I’d say overwatering. I water mine every 17 days and thinking of taking that out to 21.

  3. motherofsnapdragons

    Overwatering isn’t about the amount of water, it’s about frequency. You should completely soak the soil until water runs out the drainage hole every time you water, but wait until it’s totally dry between waterings. I’m guessing 250ml is way too little to soak the soil and your guy is thirsty.

  4. Eclectika

    That’s a self watering pot, isn’t it? I have some of mine in self watering (lechuza though with the water level indicator) pots and they thrive better than the ones that are in normal pots. My guess is the lack of light. Saying that, when I repotted a couple of my bigger ones last year in spring, they went into a bit of shock for a few months and it was really only this summer that they’ve started growing out of control again.

  5. HawkGrouchy51

    Rubber plant is tropical plant,they love sunlight!! you must place it more closer to the window..also let the sunlight(UV)sterilise the soil(contains bacteria/germs/fungus…etc.)..and l don’t recommend you to use this self-watering pot!..just use a common pot with a saucer,because you’ll pour away excess water after watering more easily,and this excess water can cause root rot!

    And l suggest you to water it once every 14days…must water it thoroughly until the water flows out bottom every time

  6. HawkGrouchy51

    ..DON’T keep the excess water in the saucer after watering!!

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