Gardening Austin

How do y’all decide what kinds of plants to place where?

For example, I am helping someone redo some of their landscaping as a side gig and they have a long entryway to their house that is currently lined with a lot of east Asian species that are overgrowing the walkway and some of which are noxious (e.g. heavenly bamboo). In the short term, I'm just going to be cleaning up the existing plants to make it navigable, but long term they want to replace everything with stuff that's prettier, native, low maintenance, and "makes the neighbors jealous."

I know the basics of how far from a house or power line to plant trees of certain heights so as not to damage infrastructure, and of keeping in mind the direction of the sun depending on which side of a structure is being planted, but in terms of design I'm curious how y'all decide where to put small trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, ground covers, and so on with respect to a given area being designed.

Picture of the walkway, for reference. Blotted out most of the structure just to make sure I don't accidentally share anything personally identifying.

by gardenergumbo

1 Comment

  1. WildflowerBent

    [Grow Green]( – the city’s creek-friendly gardening education program – has a bunch of Austin-specific resources that tackle gardening concepts like [landscape design]( They even have [design templates]( you can replicate that match themes like wildlife habitat, low maintenance shade, & contemporary.

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