Rare Houseplants

Where to buy Monstera Albo in LA?

Not my pic though I’d very much like to find a monstera albo at my local Costco. Or Walmart. Or Home Depot. Or Lowe’s. (I keep seeing these posts why haven’t I seen one yet 😭)

I’m located in West LA but willing to drive 30-40 miles for a 6 inch pot or larger monstera albo for a decent price. What’s a reasonable price for that?

There’s a wide range of prices on FB marketplace, like $60-600…

PS. I know the price has dropped quite a bit this year. Should I wait a bit?

PPS. I’ve been lusting over the half moon kind since seeing it on Etsy. Is it worth it to aim for a half moon? Or not really cuz the next leaf might not even be half moon?

by ashleycee7

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